Oh my… just when you thought you got it all, here comes something new. The Dev-Team just released their new PwnageTool for iPhone 3Gs and iTouch 2G, GeoHot said yesterday that he is working on a jailbreking tool ( and also got into a beef with Chronic DevTeam – read here and here ) , iH8sn0w is releasing sn0wbreeze ( also check out first screenshots ). A lot going on right? Well there’s always room for more: AppuloHa1l.
Im assuming that you know by now what is the iPhone DevTeam and what they do, right? Well AppuloHa1l is pretty much the same, they do this for fun, and they dont accept any donations. The AppuloHa1l team has 4 members: appulo ( no relation with appulo.us ) , jay, apple, & xavier.AppuloHa1l is a jailbreaking software for all iPhone and iTouch generations and it works on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
In their own words:
Dev Team are working on their redsn0w for Windows, ih8sn0w is working on their PwnageTool for Windows, and Chronic is working on their tool for Windows, Mac, and Linux. None of the teams are implementing the “perfect” jailbreak solution. AppuloHa1l jailbreak is perfect because it jailbreaks any iphone or itouch with a click! if it’s an iPhone user, they will be given an unlock option. If they click “unlock”, AppuloHa1l will automatically detect that and it will automatically create a custom IPSW without updating the baseband and give instructions on how to restore it to iphone using iTunes.
On Friday, they will have the official beta testing day, and on sunday they will release it on “the market”. This all sound real good, but since this is all i know about the tool, i only have one remark/advice call it how you want to:
- notice that they spell the name of the team/tool with a “1” instead of “l” in the word Hall – AppuloHa1l. Now this sounds like Appulo Hail and that sounds like Heil. If you dont know where you heard that word before, here’s a hint ” Heil Hitler”. I suggest you put a “0” instead of the “o” in Appulo and drop the “1”. Appul0Hall.
PS: AppuloHa1l team, told me that it will only support firmware 3.1/3.1.1 right now and they dont have an UI for it at the moment. Fingers crossed….