What is Crackulous?

Ever wondered how some crackers are able to crack so many applications so quickly? The secret is a new revolutionary tool called Crackulous.

Crackulous is the successor to my very popular script xCrack. xCrack was created to allow anyone, anywhere to crack applications from Apple’s AppStore. All you needed to do was buy the app, run xCrack, and then you could share the app with the community. It took out all the tedious work of cracking an application manually. This saves a significant amount of time, especially for those who crack many applications.

Crackulous takes the concept of xCrack, and takes it to the next level. By turning it into an iPhone application, and adding a full GUI, cracking is now easier than ever! Now people who aren’t technical at all are able to crack their applications and share them with the community! Crackulous is the most powerful cracking application ever created for the iPhone cracking community.

Source Code

Crackulous will be released as open source software. You heard me right, I’m going to be releasing all the source code used to create Crackulous. Additionally, I’ve filled the source code heavily with comments explaining exactly what it’s doing and how it’s doing it. My hope is that Crackulous can be a learning resource for all the prospective iPhone developers out there, and will be able to revolutionize the cracking scene by producing a standard for application quality and functionality that can easily be reproduced to great effect.

I’ve designed Crackulous with modularity and orthogonality in mind, so even if you’re application only slightly relates to Crackulous, you’ll be able to find something in Crackulous that helps you with your project.

Crackulous is not only revolutionary, not only is it the most powerful app cracking utility ever created for this scene, not only is it the best and fastest way to crack your applications, it is the most educational thing you’ll ever download for your iPhone!


These screenshots were taken of Crackulous v0.3β, and may be out of date (there may be some features in Crackulous not shown below). Click on a picture to see the full-size version.

How To Get

Crackulous is currently in beta testing, but will soon be available on the official Cydia repository. Keep an eye out for an announcement in the Announcements forum announcing the release of Crackulous!

source : here

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