If you use a iPhone or a iTouch, chances are that you jailbreaked your device ( or not according to PinchMedia’s Statistics on iPhone Firmware and Jailbreak ). If you are, than you also jailbroken MobileSubstrate, a daemon that extends the functionality of Springboard. Relying on the daemon (which always runs in the background) KennyTM managed to achieve an extension that allows you to have a service very similar to that of Apple’s push notifications, but not rely on expensive servers.
Thanks to “FakePushNotifications” the Jailbreak community will be able to develop applications that can open pop-up notification of changes or updates.If you are a developer and want to get up to / use the daemon, you can just download it from here, and put it through SSH in the following location: / Library / MobileSubstrate / DynamicLibraries /.
The daemon can be called from your applications, using this code:
FakePushNotification com.yourcompany.pushEnabledApp –
body = “Hello world!”;
action-loc-key = “Welcome!”;