In a nutshell, Siri Proxy is retarded. There’s so much potential here, and devs all over the world have already created amazing plugins for it. In our previous post, we showed you how to install Siri Proxy, now let’s see how to install plugins for it.
1. Go to plamoni’s github and check out the available plugins. Most of them come with a video demo so you know how to use them.
2. Download any plugin that you want/need. For this tutorial we’re going to use the twitter plugin.
3. Download the plugin and unzip it.
4. Rename the folder to siriproxy-twitter
5. Copy siriproxy-twitter to /…/plamoni-SiriProxy-fe75db4/plugins/
6. Open a Finder window, hit cmd+shift+G and browse to the following path ~/.siriproxy
7. Open config.yml in TextEdit
8. Now here’s where it gets tricky. First you need to duplicate the given example
– name: ‘Example’
path: ‘./plugins/siriproxy-example’
8.1 Now edit the duplicated lines according to your plugin. In this case, the Twitter plugin should look like
– name: ‘Twitter’
path: ‘./plugins/siriproxy-twitter’
Before saving the file, MAKE SURE the newly added lines are perfectly aligned with the example above. If you fail this step, you will get a bunch of errors.
9. Open Terminal
10. Now you need to cd into the bin folder found in the plamoni-SiriProxy-fe75db4. To do that type cd and drag-and-drop the bin folder into the terminal
11. Type ./siriproxy bundle . You need to do this every time you change plugin configurations to update required gems.
12. Type rvmsudo /.siriproxy server and type your password.
13. Now, fire up Siri and say Tweet followed by whatever you want to tweet.
NOTE: this plugin won’t let you tweet until you go to and get the oauth credentials and put them in config.yml. This tutorial shows you how to install a plugin, not use a plugin to tweet using Siri. Just saying…
NOTE: the vid is not spectacular. But we recorded it way before deciding to write these tutorials…