Making Of: Welikesmall iPod Wall [video]

This is a video showing the build of the Welikesmall iPod wall. It was made from 20 iPods over the course of about three weeks . Tasks included building and designing the wooden box, programming an iPhone application that runs off the Game Kit framework, hacking a USB hardware fan together, developing a Python / Django web server application, and designing a quick UI. To keep the wall constantly powered we used a Cambrionix B2 USB powered hub.

Our current iPhone Application allows for 4 different modes, a screen saver mode, a full image split mode (the controlling iPod looks for an image and then the server executes a script to split that image among all 20 iPods), a single image grid mode (the controlling iPod tells the server to give a random image to each iPhone), and a hybrid mode which displays all three. In addition, the server is always checking to ensure that each iPod is synched.