HOW TO: Add An Interactive HomeScreen To Your AppleTV ( Wallpaper Slideshow, Weather Forecaset )

We showed you how to install nitoTV and Plex on your AppleTV, now let’s see how to add an interactive homescreen to your shiny new Apple device. Basically, you’ll get exactly what you see in the screenshot above.

How to:

1. First you need to download these .deb files. Unzip the file that you just downloaded, and you will have 5 of them:

  • org.tomcool.atvsettingsloader_0.0.1-9_iphoneos-arm.deb
  • org.tomcool.mainmenuslideshow_0.1.2-11_iphoneos-arm.deb
  • org.tomcool.mainmenuweather_0.0.1-8_iphoneos-arm.deb
  • org.tomcool.mloader_0.0.1-11_iphoneos-arm.deb
  • org.tomcool.smframework_0.5.0-182_iphoneos-arm.deb

2. Now, using a SFTP client ( like WinSCP for Windows or Cyberduck for Mac – or whatever you are using to SSH into your iPhone/iPod Touch ) , SSH into your AppleTV. Now copy all the downloaded .deb files ( copy them on /var/root/ )

3. Load Terminal on Mac or Putty on Windows, and type in: SSH root@your.appletv.ip.address ( to find your AppleTV’s IP address go to Settings>General>Network>IP Address )

4. Now you need to install the .deb files. Make sure you install them in the order listed below:

  • type dpkg -i org.tomcool.smframework_0.5.0-182_iphoneos-arm.deb
  • type dpkg – i org.tomcool.mloader_0.0.1-11_iphoneos-arm.deb
  • type dpkg – i org.tomcool.atvsettingsloader_0.0.1-9_iphoneos-arm.deb
  • type dpkg – i org.tomcool.mainmenuslideshow_0.1.2-11_iphoneos-arm.deb
  • type dpkg – i org.tomcool.mainmenuweather_0.0.1-8_iphoneos-arm.deb

5. After you installed all .deb files, type: killall Lowtide

6. Wait for your AppleTV to respring, and then go to Settings>Custom Settings> and fill in the blanks for your location ( for the weather forceast and time zone )

7. That’s it, enjoy!

Thanks to tomcool for making these .deb files. Also thanks hedsick for the tip.