Adobe: Official Mobile iPhone App ( .ipa )

Adobe is full of surprises. After releasing a couple of flash based iPhone apps in the appstore, now they are releasing the official photoshop iPhone app. The app was released in the appstore for free and it accompanies the online version of the tool we all know and love.

The app offers you the posibility to :

  • Basics: crop, rotate, and flip
  • Color: exposure, saturation, tint, black and white
  • Filters: sketch, soft focus
  • Effects: vibrant, pop, border, vignette, blur, warm vintage, rainbow, white glow, soft black, and white

After making personalized edits, users can upload photos from their iPhone to their account to view and retrieve their images at a later time from any Internet-connected computer. In addition, Mobile for iPhone provides the ultimate digital photo wallet, giving users access to their entire library directly from their iPhone.

Sadly the app is only available in the US appstore. Dont worry, since this is free, we’ve created the .ipa version that you can download and install on your device. ( jailbroken devices )