AI can create any picture you want. What does it mean for human artists?

Will robots replace human artists? Advanced AI research resulted in many deep-learning models capable of generating unique, original images from simple text prompts, allowing researchers at OpenAI, Google, and Facebook to develop text-to-image tools that have not yet been released to the public.

These tools represent a massive cultural shift because they remove the requirement for technical labor from the process of image-making.

Instead, they select creative ideation, skillful use of language, and curatorial taste.

The ultimate consequences are difficult to predict, but — like the invention of the camera and the digital camera after that — these algorithms herald a new, democratized form of expression that will commence another explosion in the volume of imagery produced by humans.

But, like other automated systems trained on historical data and internet images, they also come with risks that have not been resolved.

What AI art means for human artists?

Every technological development brings fears that machines will replace human workers, but those predictions are not always accurate.

Now, as AI systems are proving capable of surprisingly creative work, we asked a group of artists, art historians, and others how text-to-image technology will affect those who make a living making images.

[via Vox]