AirFloat: Turn Your iPhone and iPad Into An AirPlay Audio Receiver


New day, new tweak in Cydia. AirFloat turns your iPhone or iPad into an AirPlay audio receiver. Send audio from iTunes, iPhones, iPads or Apple TVs to your iPhone/iPad, just as if it was an AirPort Express.

Jump over the break to check out how to use it…

1. On your iOS device load Cydia, search for AirFloat ( free on BigBoss repo ) and install it



2. Exit Cydia. Look for the AirFloat icon on your Springboard and open the app



3. Now open iTunes on your computer, click on the AirPlay button and choose your device. It should show as ‘AirFloat @ your-device’

airfloat-4-FSMdotCOM4. Now play any song and, in a matter of seconds, your device will receive audio. It’s that easy.



5. Enjoy