Apple has released an extensive document against Jailbreak. Probably, using the latest statements of hackers around the security vulnerabilities due to Jailbreak, they say that besides being illegal (really?!?! cmon… ), destroys all the security systems designed ad hoc ( might be true… im sure there will be a fix for everything tho… )
According to Apple, the process manipulates at will the Baseband, that phone and internet connections. An unauthorized modification that could interfere with the telephone, the geo-, and many other features.
The Jailbreak not manipulate the Baseband, but can only block the upgrade , thus leaving the older version, but the official Apple. As for the ECID Instead, Apple seems very informed on how to unlock, and with that statement, certainly try to block the intruizione of GeoHot. Purplera1n is always able to perform the Jailbreak of 3Gs by a certificate which can be obtained starting the ECID.
Apple talks about “change” of the ECID but the neither the DevTeam nor GeoHot they have provided the tools to change their identity. Simply does not exist, so the relation between declarations and actual operations are performed with the Jailbreak, are few.
Surely the security level of the device decreases with the very Jailbreak: We are all aware of this “problem” but we also know that it never reached the levels reported by Apple, which of course is “advertising” to try to eliminate it entirely .