Take A Look At Apple’s iPhone 4 Bumper Cases, In Case You Want One…

You all know that, lately, Apple is going into the cases biz. First for the iPad and now for the iPhone 4. They call these cases ‘Bumpers’ and to be honest, they look like Tech21’s iBand D3O cases – whic,h by the way, is the worst iPhone case I ever had. Because of that, I don’t think i will get a Bumper case, but hey that’s me.

It seems that, on launch, Apple will push only black iPhone 4s, so you can decide which Bumper color you like best from the picture above. If you want to wait for a white iPhone 4, take your pick from the pic below.

If I will get one ( i don’t like none of them ) I would want a red one. So here’s a photoshoped version. This should ‘help’ you decide…

[via MacRumors]