Yesterday, we told you that iTunes 10 no longer lets us create ringtones, because Apple removed the ringtones feature introduced back in 2007. Well, you still can create your own ringtones, and we’re going to show you how. Actually this is a re-post from June 1st 2009, but it still works…
First you need to find ( or add ) you favorite song to iTunes. Make sure you listen the tune one more time to , and decide EXACTLY which part of the it you want as a ringtone. I think that most of you would want the chorus in a song as a ringtone, so make sure you note the time that it starts and it ends. Keep in mind that only DRM-free songs can be used with this ringtone creation process. Any song downloaded from iTunes Music Store will have DRM (Digital Rights Management), so don’t use those songs. Any song ripped from a CD or downloaded from DRM-free sources (P2P, Amazon, your friend) will work just fine.
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Now, right click on the song you want, select “Get Info”, hit the “Options” tab, check both the “Start Time” and “End Time” boxes and specify what time interval you’d like to use as your ringtone clip (Make sure your ringtone is 40 seconds or less!!). Now hit OK.
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Now, make sure the song you want is still highlighted, click on “Advanced” in your menu bar and select “Create AAC Version”. A duplicate copy of your song will appear in iTunes – this new song will have the same filename but shorter “Time” .Go back to the original song and uncheck those “Start Time” and “End Time” boxes.Drag the duplicate song to your Desktop and once its on your desktop, delete the duplicate file in iTune.
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On your Desktop, rename the file with the “.m4r” file extension .This turns your song file into an iPhone ringtone file.Your “songname.m4a” file should now be named “songname.m4r”.Now you can drag it back to iTunes in the Ringtones section, and sync it with your iPhone. Congrats, you got a wicked home made iPhone ringtone now.