Cydia Nurse: Because We Care About Your iPhone. Period

What is Cydia Nurse?

Cydia Nurse is the number 1 free in-cydia application that helps you use Cydia on a more productive way. One of the main primary functions of Cydia Nurse is removing the ads within This is currently the only function available in the pre-alpha.Of course we want some more idea’s to make Cydia more productive and we need your help, your feedback, idea’s, etc, etc.Currently 2 screenshots are posted here to look what Cydia Nurse has in her jacket. ( the ad blocking picture stays a secret, but you can imagine what it will look like without ads).

Why remove the ads?
Think about small data plans of users, people that doesn’t want the ads loading, because of all, you have to wait till the ads are loaded to preform a install/reinstall or remove.

How to get Cydia Nurse?

Available soon in Cydia. Stay tuned