Cydia Store Sale: FullScreen for Safari, Firewall iP And ScreenDimmer For 50% Off

BigBoss just announced that they will have an upcoming Cydia Store sale. A bunch of Apps/Tweaks from the developer Yllier will be on sale for 50% off. Apps/Tweaks that will be on sale: FullScreen for Safari, Firewall iP, ScreenDimmer.

  • Sale starts: 27th December GMT 1am
  • Sale ends: 30th December GMT 1am

FullScreen for Safari (for 4.x or 3.x) for just $ 0.99

FullScreen for Safari adds a FullScreen Mode to Safari. But not just that: It also makes Safari a real multitouch browser by adding many new gestures which can trigger a a lot of action. It also has a powerful Action PopUp, which is fully configurable.

Firewall iP for just $1.49!

Firewall iP is the only security app of it’s kind and offers many advance features like getting WhoIs-informations about the host. Block outgoing TCP & UDP connections selectively, with port-specific-blocking Shows you the hostname for the connection & can provide you with WhoIs information Block connections of apps when you are on a cellular network Block analytic providers / data collectors which PrivaCy can’t Block unneeded content (ads ;)) Easy to use interface & control app and many more….

ScreenDimmer for just $0.99!

ScreenDimmer allows you to save battery life by automatically dimming your device’s screen after a pre-defined time; or if you wish by turning the backlight off.

Most users suffer unnecessary battery drain while having their iPhone not on standby. Setting auto-lock to a short time makes it better, but is an inconvenience most of the time due to permanent locking and unlocking while waiting for something.

ScreenDimmer is the solution for this problem: Save battery life by reducing the backlight to a minimum if the device hasn’t been used for a pre-defined time and reduce the waste of the most energy consuming component, the backlight, of the iPhone or iPod.