New day, new update in Cydia: Cydia. Saurik has just released a new update of Cydia. It is the version 1.0.3028-61 that is enhanced by the technical point of view and adds new and interesting features, improved considerably. Following is the official change logs:
- Added a check next to all applications already installed and present in our device
- Fixed several bugs and improved performance
- Added a new warning system that signals any kind of error that is found during any action
- Improved compatibility with the iPhone 3Gs
- Changed the icon of the “Categories”.
If you are on iPhone 3Gs and you didn’t grabbed the ECID files, this new update of Cydia does that for you. In case you are wondering where those ECID files are , and you start SSH-ing and look for them… don’t. Saurik is storing them on his server, and he is working with the various jailbreaking tems on being able to have the tools just magically use his server to get what it needs.