Data Blocker: Kill iPhone GPRS/EDGE/3G Internet Connection For Good

A couple of days ago, we told you about Data Toggle, a SBSettings toggle that you can use to kill the data connection. Today, a new package lands in Cydia called Data Blocker , which basically does the same thing as Data Toggle, BUT  your data connections is disabled even after you reboot your iDevice.

Installing Data Blocker, you will kill your data connection and it will stay that way until you uninstall the package. If you need to use data again, you can either uninstall the package or you use the Data Toggle. If you got this app installed and you enable data in SBSettings, data connection will be turned on until you reboot your iDevice.

Installing this package will NOT create an icon on your homescreen. You can download Data Blocker from Cydia via BigBoss repo for free.