I’ve always had my iPhone on vibrate. It was great. At least until the iPhone vibrate intensity started to be very very week.
This happened around the iPhone 6s release. Coincidently Apple released the Apple Watch the same year. Maybe the Apple Watch is just an alert extension for the iPhone?
Now that I can’t have my iPhone silenced, I need a ringtone. I can’t stand Marimba. 99.9% of iPhones use the default ringtone. You never know whose phone is ringing? Is it mine? No idea, can’t f*cking feel it vibrate.
So right now I use the first 40 seconds of Wojciech Kilar’s “Corso” song from The Ninth Gate soundtrack.
But this is going to change, because the iPhone X comes with a new exclusive ringtone called “Reflection”. You can download it . Already an .m4r file, so just sync it to your phone via iTunes.