Be honest, your Mac desktop isn’t as organized as you might want it to be. A cluttered desktop is a nightmare that will not only impact the speed of your Mac but it will also impact your workflow.
So what can you do? You can 1. Take your time to clean up your desktop 2. Select all the files, right click and choose “New Folder with Selection” or 3. Hide all your desktop icons.
Jump over the break to learn how to easily hide all desktop icons without installing any 3rd party app…
NOTE: This is exactly like sweeping everything under the rug. Just clean up your desktop. Move everything in the appropriate folders and delete all the obsolete files. It takes 5 minutes.
Hide desktop clutter:.
1. Open Terminal
2. Type in defaults write CreateDesktop -bool false;killall Finder
3. And ALL your desktop icons will disappear instantly. Don’t worry the files still exist. And you can reverse the process at any time. Here’s how:
Unhide desktop clutter:
1. Open Terminal
2. Type in defaults write CreateDesktop -bool true;killall Finder
I know, I know…. why mess with the terminal when there’s free apps that can do that? You’re right, but why would you want to install yet another app, that lives in your menu bar and keeps running in the background?
If you really want to use an app, use Onyx. Go to Parameters > Finder > Hide the desktop icons.