Evernote For iOS, Mac and Web Updated With Reminders [video]


Evernote has updated their iOS, Mac and web app today with a feature that will keep you on track every step of the way: Reminders. With this update Evernote has rolled out the 3 most requested features into one small package:

  • In-app and email Alarms
  • Quick note based to-do lists
  • Pinning notes to the top of your note list

Reminders are incredibly easy to use. You can add a Reminder to a note by simply tapping on the alarm clock icon located at the top of the note on Mac and Web, and at the bottom of the note on iPhone and iPad. If you like, set a date and time for when this note must be completed.

You’ll get an in-app alarm and, optionally, an email the day that a Reminder is due. Once set, you’ll see the note title appear in the new Reminder section at the top of the note list. You can change the order of Reminders simply by dragging them around. When you complete your task, tap on the check or, on iOS, swipe to remove the Reminder from the list.

Like most things in Evernote, Reminders sync across all versions of the app that support the new feature.

Evernote is available for iPhone/iPad in the app store, OS X in the Mac app store and as a web app….