After you jailbreak your device, the first thing you need to install it’s SBSettings. That’s a must and everybody knows that. Unfortunately, there’s no full jailbreak for iOS 5 at the moment, and there’s no jailbreak available for the iPhone 4S. But there’s a $0.99 SBSettings compromise called IconProject . Its a clever way to legitimately get things only jailbreak could previously provide, allowing you to create shortcuts for certain sections.
There’s also a free JavaScript alternative to IconProject, and that’s what we’re going to talk about in this post. Head over the jump to see what IconSettings offers and how you can get it.
Just like IconProject, this free JavaScript alternative allows you to create shortcuts to certain sections.
Available shortcuts:
- About
- Accessibility
- Airplane
- AutoLock
- Brightness
- Bluetooth
- DateAndTime
- FaceTime
- General
- Keyboard
- iCloud
- iCloudStorageAndBackup
- International
- LocationServices
- MailContactsCalendars
- Music
- MusicEq
- MusicVolume
- Network
- Nike
- Notes
- Notifications
- Phone
- Photos
- Profile
- Reset
- Safari
- Siri
- Sounds
- SoftwareUpdate
- Store
- Usage
- Wallpaper
- WiFi
- Hotspot
How to install:
1. From your iOS device, browse to this page or this page
2. Choose the shortcut you want to install and tap on it. It will open a new page.
3. You will get a pop-up asking you if you like to open this page in . If you’re not sure what a particular shortcut will offer, choose ‘Open’. If not, tap on ‘Cancel’ and move on…
4. Add that page to your Home Screen
5. On the next screen, change the name of your shortcut ( optional ) and tap on ‘add’ to add it to your Home Screen.
6. Load Safari and repeat for all desired shortcuts