Friendthem iPhone App Turn People You Meet In Real Life Into Facebook Friends [video]

Whether you meet someone at a bar, in the park or at a conference, friending that person on Facebook or following them on Twitter or Foursquare is now a common social norm. But the process of actually finding and sending a friend request can be complicated, thanks to the sheer number of people on Facebook. Searching for a common name like “Jason Smith” can yield dozens of results. If a users hasn’t shared their photos with non-friends, or updated their location recently, tracking that person down can be difficult.

So people who want to connect on Facebook can use Friendthem as kind of a hybrid meeting place. You get to control what information about yourself is shared with others. You choose whether your name or photo is displayed. You can decide to show off your hometown, or not.

Other users that have Friendthem installed and are close by can then see you in the app, and choose to initiate a friend request now or later.

Friendthem is available for free in the app store…

PS: you can also friend us on Facebook
