The coronavirus pandemic hurts industries left and right, and might delay more than one product release this year. Including the iPhone 12. But there’s one thing that the pandemic does not seem to affect at all and that’s the number of leaks and rumors about the upcoming iPhone.
To be honest, I had no interest in keeping up with the rumors in the last few years because 1. the iPhone is just not exciting anymore and 2. leaks and rumors were spot on.
But this #stayhome order gives me enough time to spare on browsing around to see what the rumors about the iPhone 12 are. And of course they are ridiculous and unimpressive.
The best one is that the iPhone 12 will feature a redesigned chassis that will resemble the iPhone 4. I hope it’s true. A splendid example of industrial design.
Another rumors says that Apple will make the notch smaller. I was never a fan of the notch, it’s hideous and I don’t agree with people that say “after a while you don’t even notice it anymore”. Since Apple is playing catch-up for a few years now, maybe they can copy what others have done. Not anyone in particular. But just do something about it. And while we’re on the subject, can people please stop stating that Apple was never the first to do it, but they did it the best? No, Apple used to do it first and everybody else was playing catch-up.
The most ridiculous rumor is that the iPhone 12 will feature a LiDAR sensor on the back in addition to three regular cameras. Ok, fine… maybe it will but, it will be just as useful as portrait mode. Everybody will be excited at first and 5 minutes later it’ll be just another feature that might come in handy at some point.
There are some other rumors like iPhone 5 will be 5G compatible. It’ll probably be but, it’s something that will force you to fork more money for something that you mostly won’t be able to use. But hey at least it’s future proof. Listen, by the time 5G will be the norm, you’ll be using iPhone 13 if not iPhone 14. So don’t try to justify the price difference that way.
What’s even more curious is that lately you can bet on upcoming features of iPhone 12. This is news to me.

So what do you think? Will the iPhone 12 be as exciting as it so desperately needs to be or it will be just another minor update?