New day, new app in Cydia: iPhonus. This app will let you stream movies and TV shows from megavideo directly on your iPhone or iTocuh. Its pretty simple to use, everything is in its category and there is no hussle using this app. The only feature that this app is missing, is: search.
In order to use this app , you will also need to install iMobileCinema from Cydia. Just install iPhonus ( BigBoss repo ) , and iMobileCinema and reboot your device. After reboot, just load the app, browse for your favorite movie or TV show and tap on its name to play it. You can watch movies and TV shows on EDGE, 3G and WiFi. Thats it.
NOTE 1: when you tap on the name of a movie or tv show to watch it, you might need to scroll on the page (usually on the right) to find the play button and tap that button to start streaming.
NOTE 2: some links will take you to a direct stream. In order to view those movies you must have “Safari Download Plugin”. Go to Cydia, search for it, and install that plugin.
NOTE 3: Sometimes you will come across some dead links. Tough luck, megavideo got lots of those. You can report those links tho. Also some links may not work at first, but you can tap the reload button on the top of the screen and they will load.