Mac App Store Bug Allows Free Upgrading Of Illegal and Trial Software

Apple has been very generous this quarter: OS X Mavericks was released as a free download/update to all Mac users and iWork and iLife suites are now available as free updates ( and also free downloads to anyone that bought a Mac after October 1st ). However, a bug in the Mac App Store allows users with trial and illegal ( downloaded from various sources for free ) copies to update to the latest version of the software for free.

In addition to the iLife and iWork suites, which include Pages, Numbers, and Keynote alongside popular apps like iMovie, iPhoto, and GarageBand, the issue also extends to Aperture, which was recently updated to version 3.5. Anyone with a trial or illegal copy will get all the new features, including iCloud photo sharing, SmugMug integration, and iOS 7 filter support.
