Two good Samaritans chased down and tackled an iPhone crook yesterday after the thief snatched the device out of a woman’s hand as she surfed the ’Net outside her lower Manhattan office, police said.
PKGBackup Updated To v5.1.1 With Voice Memos and MxTube Support
PKGBackup is a K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple, Stupid) iOS application that backup/restore all Cydia packages, in additions to preferences & springboard files.
Maximization: Run All Apps in Fullscreen Mode
Maximization allows you to run all your Apps in Fullscreen-Mode (by removing the Statusbar).
Apple Releases Pics Of A 2005 iPhone Prototype Dubbed ‘Purple’
With Apple vs. Samsung trial is kicking off today, Apple has released images of a 2005 iPhone prototype dubbed ‘Purple’.
Hands-On With The iPhone 5 Case [video]
Today,Macotakara has video of the same assembly, giving us the first glimpse of what this enlarged iPhone may look and feel like in the hand.
Apple To Announce The iPhone 5 and iPad Mini On September 12th
More news have reached us that Apple is planning a special event in September where they will announce the new iPhone 5 and also the much anticipated and rumored iPad Mini.
Apple’s Secret iPhone Prototypes That Never Saw The Light of Day [pics]
the iPhone prototypes provide a look at what could have been, but ultimately wasn’t.
MetaWatch STRATA: The Smartwatch For The iPhone 4S & Android [video]
Strata, is a smart sportwatch designed to compliment your smartphone and give you Hands Freedom
Watch: Apple Releases Three New Mac TV Ads [video]
For the London 2012 Summer Olympics, Apple has let loose three new commercials that push the benefits of Apple’s software suites.
Incase Barcelona Exclusive iPhone 4/4S Snap Case
To commemorate the grand opening of Apple’s Passeig de Gracia location, accessories brand Incase has designed a new snap case for the iPhone.
Steve Jobs Named One Of The 20 Most Influential Americans Of All Time By Time Magazine [video]
Steve Jobs, Apple’s late founder and visionary, is one of the 20 most influential Americans of all time, according to Time magazine.
Could This Be The New iPhone 5?
A Chinese case manufacturer is showing what looks to be an iPhone 5 in their product shots. It looks like the white 3D prototype we published a while back—complete with its new 19-pin dock port.
Google Earth for iOS Updated With 3D City View and Tour Guide
Google has updated their Google Earth app for iOS to add three-dimensional imagery to major locations including Washington D.C, San Francisco and Boston.
Google Releases Handwriting Search for iOS and Android Devies [video]
Today, Google has introduced Handwrite, a fun and easy new way to search Google from your iOS and Android smartphone or tablet.