Posted inVIDEO

Check Out Apple’s Corporate Recruiting Video

The video takes you through Apple’s engineering labs, let’s you see how the Apple website team examines web pages, discusses the backstory on Apple’s work on new battery chemistry, tells the true, and interesting, backstory on the creation of the iPad 2′s Smart Cover, and more.

Posted inDESIGN & CODE

Is This The Future of Comic Books? [video]

For its #1 issue of X-O Manowar comic, Valiant Entertainment has given the comic book a ‘talking’ feature.The cover of the comic book features a QR-Code, and a designated area where the iPhone should be placed.

Posted inAPP

Tiny Wings 2.0 Trailer [video]

Rest your thumbs because the workweek ends early this week. Not really, but it might as well with Andreas Illiger’s July 12th release of the sequel to their uber addictive iPhone game Tiny Wings.


Square Register [video]

Square Register is a minimalist design created by American-based designer Tinkering Monkey. The design was conceived for the use of small-business owners in conjunction with the iPad’s Square credit card reader.