Posted inNEWS

Is This The iPhone 5? [pictures]

Today we come across first pictures of a device, that supposedly is the upcoming iPhone 5 by Apple. Spotted in the Chinese TGbus forum, shown is an all black iPhone with a series of new features.

Posted inNEWS

Apple Updates The Mac Pro And Doesn’t Say A Word About It

While Apple gushed about its new (and amazing) MacBook Pro with Retina Display—the computer it said is the most advanced it’s ever made—it also updated its “high-end” professional workstation, the Mac Pro. This is the first upgrade the Mac Pro line has seen since 2010.

Posted inVIDEO

Watch Apple’s Keynote At WWDC 2012

During today’s Apple keynote at WWDC 2012, Tim Cook and his team has unveiled iOS 6, new hardware including a retina display next-gen MacBook Pro and demoed OS X Mountain Lion.

Posted inNEWS

Find Out What’s New In iOS 6

iOS 6 gives you more features to make the things you do every day even better. It’s coming this fall, and it’s free and easy to upgrade wirelessly on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch — the moment it’s available.


Mophie Juice Pack Pro for iPhone 4/4S

The new Mophie Juice Pack Pro assumes a couple of things about you: One, that you’re in need of extra juice for your iPhone, and two, that you’re either involved in a profession that puts your phone in constant peril, or a complete klutz.