Looks like PhotoForge2 crammed practically every post-processing tool and feature on the planet into what will probably amount to an under-$5 app: curves, real layer support (including masking), ability to edit raw files (and images up to 20MB), editing timeline and a big pile of sharing options.
Third Rail System: The Slimmest iPhone Case And Charger Combo [video]
The case is designed to be as compact and dynamic as possible, the only additional real estate present in comparison to a traditional case is a small nub of circuitry on the docking end of the phone.
Angry Birds Available For Free In The Google Chrome Web Store
Just a quick heads-up: Angry Birds is available for free in the Chrome Web Store.
Apple Drops iOS 4.2.2 For AppleTV 2
Just a quick heads-up: Apple just dropped iOS 4.3 build 4.2.2 ( yeah, aTV firmwares are messed up like that ) for the AppleTV 2.
iPhone 4 “Laser” Case By BASECONTROL
Japanese basics brand BASECONTROL releases a new case for the iPhone 4. Following the brand’s simplistic design nature, the case comes in a black colorway with white text and a gradient color motif.
MotionBeam: Explores The Use Of Handheld Projectors To Interact And Control Projected Characters [video]
The MotionBeam is a project by Disney Research that explores the use of handheld projectors to interact and control projected characters.
Bird’s Nest iPhone 4 Snap Case By Incase
The Bird’s Nest Snap Case is a mechanical interpretation of the natural avian shelter, featuring an intricate pattern of randomized cutouts for a striking visual effect.
IceFilms: XBMC Plugin For AppleTV 2 To Stream Full Movies And TV Shows via MegaUpload
New day, new XBMC plugin for the AppleTV 2: IceFilms. This plugin will allow you to access MegaUpload from your AppleTV and stream tons of movies and TV shows.
The Final Hours Of Portal 2 iPad App
The Final Hour of Portal 2 takes you deep within the top-secret offices of Valve, creators of Half-Life, for an unvarnished look at the creative process behind the new video game Portal 2
The Great People Behind The First iOS Jailbreak Convention: MyGreatFest Have Just Upped Their Game
The great people behind the first iOS jailbreak convention, MyGreatFest,have just upped their game again. They have gotten p0sixninja on board.
Sn0wbreeze Updated To v2.7.1 To Fix Vibration Issue
Just a quick heads-up: ih8sn0w updates his tool to v2.7.1 to include a fix for the iPhone3GS/i4 side switch vibration issue (only for 4.3.3!).
The iPhone DevTeam Updates PwnageTool And RedSn0w To Fix Bugs
Just a quick heads-up: PwnageTool and redsn0w have been updated to include a fix for the iPhone3GS/i4 side switch vibration issue
TinyUmbrella Updated To v4.33.00 With iOS 4.3.3/4.2.8 Support
Just a quick heads-up: TinyUmbrella has been updated to v4.33.00 and now supports iOS 4.3.3 and 4.2.8 (Verizon)
HOW TO: Listen To Your Music Library While Playing Games That Disable iPod Music
In this tutorial we’re going to show you how to listen to your music library with headphones or through the speaker while playing games or using apps that disable this feature…