Posted inHOWTO

Cydia Search: New Way To Search Cydia From Your Computer

Searching for the perfect Jailbreak app in Cydia on the iPhone can be a frustratingly slow experience. Cydia Search eases your pain by allowing you to browse through the plethora of Cydia apps by category, repository or author, all from the comfort of a desktop browser.

Posted inHOWTO

HOW TO: Use PwnageTool To Untethered Jailbreak iOS 4.3.3

Great news from the iPhone DevTeam this morning… they’ve updated PwnageTool to untethered jailbreak iOS 4.3.3. Today’s PwnageTool incorporates @i0n1c’s port to 4.3.3 (it’s ironic that such a long-lasting untether doesn’t even have an official name!)

Posted inDESIGN & CODE

iOS Notifications Concept [video]

Apple is widely expected to improve the notification system of iOS in its next release which will be unveiled at WWDC 2011. Hopefully the company takes some inspiration from videos such as this.