PKGBackup Updated To v5.1.1 With Voice Memos and MxTube Support

New day, new update in Cydia. PKGBackup is a K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple, Stupid) iOS application that backup/restore all Cydia packages, in additions to preferences & springboard files. It also support Categories & hidden files. Furthermore, you can now autobackup & schedule a backup.

PKGBackup v5.1.1 comes with the following changes:

  • Added: Support for voice memos backup/restore
  • Added: Support for MxTube.
  • Various performances enhancements
  • Simplified UI for backup notification entry
  • Various bug fixes:
  1. Bug fix: SugarSync login process failing.
  2. Bug fix: Crashing at startup for some fw 4.x

PKGBackup is available for $9.99 in Cydia Store via BigBoss repo…