PKGBackup Updated To v5.0.10 . Back-Up and Restore All Your Cydia Packages

New day, new update in Cydia. PKGBackup is a K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple, Stupid) iOS application that backup/restore all Cydia packages, in additions to preferences & springboard files. It also support Categories & hidden files. Furthermore, you can now autobackup & schedule a backup.

PKGBackup is now cloud-aware, thanks to Dropbox. You now have the choose of storing you backup on the device and/or on Dropbox (which is recommend for large backup and or backup versioning).

There is no need to know FTP, SSH or other geeky stuff like other tools! If you can tap, you can use this app: “It’s so simple a caveman can do it”!

Furthermore, you can also share/exchange/send your packages lists to others using Bonjour, Bump, Dropbox, Facebook & Twitter.

New in v5.0.10

  • Added: Keep alive routine for SugarSync => Improvement
  • Added: list of repo sources when sharing data(via email Facebook or twitter), in addition to the list of packages
  • Added: list of repo sources in the note of calendar event
  • Modified: The sorting UI segment control of packages & apps
  • Bug fix: URL codec file name on upload/download
  • Bug fix: Crash when address book data is corrupted
  • Bug fix: Crash when storing some apple apps data

PKGBackup is available for $7.99 in Cydia Store via BigBoss repo…