A young Steve Jobs, Director of Apple computers, casually sits on his office desk in an interview and offers his vision of computer technology.1982-1985
With Lisa With Mike MarkkulaWith John Couch, head of the Lisa project With John Couch With John Sculley With Adobe founders John Warnock and Charles Geschke With John Sculley With John Sculley and the Mac team Mac team With John Sculley With John Sculley and Woz With the whole Mac team With Bill Atkinson With young Bill Gates Steve is shown the Z3 supercalculator in Germany in May 1985 Steve receives the National Technology Medal from President Reagan Fired from Apple
The NeXT co-founders at Steve’s Woodside mansion Dan’l Lewin, Rich Page, Bud Tribble, Steve Jobs, Susan Barnes and George Crow at NeXT’s offices in Palo Alto Ross Perot invests in NeXT1988-1989
NeXT’s executive team At NeXT’s offices in Palo Alto Posing with NeXT Cube Steve Jobs at Seybold 1989, next to Bill Gates and John Warnock Steve Jobs and his daughter Lisa Brennan-JobsCheck out the ’90s on the next page…