Just two weeks ago we took a look at a first Google Glass ‘Explorer Edition’ unboxing , and today we receive a report that project Glass has already been jailbroken ( or better yet ‘rooted’ ). The person to gain root access is none other than Saurik, the godfather of iOS jailbreaking and creator of Cydia.
According to Forbes, Saurik has managed to gain root access in only two hours while he had dinner with friends. In order to do so, he used a known exploit that was first discovered by another hacker called B1nary and used to get root on Android 4.0.
Freeman says it was a simple task, accomplished in a matter of hours by fooling the device into thinking it’s actually an emulation instead of the real hardware. Since emulations are used for testing, all permissions are granted and root is achieved.
But no matter how much we would like to take pride that one of our ‘own’ managed to root the revolutionary face computer from Google, Saurik was not the first one to Crack Glass. Just a few days ago developer Liam McLoughlin has also managed to root the device.
Google X project engineer Stephen Lau has confirmed what was suspected: Google purposely left Glass unlocked “so you guys could hack it and do crazy fun shit with it.” It’s not clear if consumer versions of Glass after the developer-friendly Explorer Edition will be unlocked as well, but Lau is encouraging early adopters to “show me something cool.”