SBSettings Gets A Beta Update

Seems that today we got a lot of updates. First we got an update for Spirit and Backgrounder, and now BigBoss updates SBSettings. New in this version:

  • Added rotation. Will rotate the window if using a rotated app or springboard ( iPhone and iPad ). Will not rotate once the window is present. Window will be bigger than the screen when rotated on an iPhone. This will not be fixed.
  • Fixed crash on iPhone and OS 4.0 using dock button ( icons caused it )
  • Toggle pack fixed crash on processes toggle on iPad / OS 4.0
  • Fixed iPad problem after reboot ( NOTE: other extensions may also cause this, but its fixed in SBSettings )
  • Fixed respring to use Sauriks gUICache so that iPad and 4.0 icons appear after a respring
  • Centering SBSettings Window ( mainly iPad concern )

This is a bet update, but if you want to try it you will need to add this repo: