Solyaris: A Visual Movie Browser For The iPad

Solyaris is an exploration into organic information design to visualise movies, actors, directors and their relationship. The application for iPad made in Cinder allows you to search the entire Open Movie Database (TMDb) collection for movies, actors or directors. Expand nodes to gather information about their connections. Learn about the cast and filmography.

The project originally started back in 2008 when The Internet Movie Database Graph (IMDG)was born – built with Processing. The application allowed the user to explore movies, actors, directors and their relationship. Beat describes that the visualization has its flaws but it’s main drawback was the user interaction. Clicking and dragging nodes with a mouse just somehow “felt wrong”.

With the introduction of Apple’s iPad and other touch this has made the experience more natural and Beat decided to rebuild his simple movie database visualization for the iPad. The Solyaris app uses data provided by The open movie database (TMDb), the graph itself is built with Cinder and some custom iOS components are used for displaying additional information like filmography, biography or Wikipedia articles. The full source code is published under a GNU GPL license on GitHub.

Solyaris is available for $1.99 in the app store
