Street Tag App for iPhone and iPad 2 [video]

As part of its Street Summer season of programming and events, Channel 4 has created an iPhone app called Street Tag that allows users to virtually graff any wall or surface, using their iPhones…

Essentially, the app is an augmented reality toy which turns your phone into a can of virtual spray paint. “Using the phones camera mode, it lets you graffiti the streets in real time,” explains Alice Tonge of 4Creative who worked on the app. “You can adorn everything and anything, even those buildings you never thought possible, and not get arrested for it. Plus you can geo-tag it so others can see your work.”

Unfortunately you still need some skills in order to make these tags look decent.

Street Tag app is compatible with the iPhone 3Gs/4 and iPad 2, and it’s available for free in the app store…

There’s also a very nicely crafted TV spot (written by 4Creative) for Channel 4’s Street Summer season which features graff artist Artful Dodger, cyclist Danny Mackaskill, and a host of musicians and MCs including Professor Green, Ms Dynamite, Faith SFX and more…
