I doubt that you can tell me that the first thing that pops into your mind when you look at your iPhone is “boy, what … XAPPR Gun: The Ultimate Gaming Accessory For Your iPhoneRead more
Posted inHOWTO / VIDEO
Display Real-Time 3D Video And Audio, Recorded From The Kinect, On The iPad [video]
The guys at Laan Labs used the String Augmented Reality SDK to display real-time 3d video+audio recorded from the Kinect.
Posted inNEWS
The Witness: Revolutionary Film Gets Audience Engaged Via Augmented Reality iPhone App [video]
As part of a relaunch for Germany’s Universal 13, a revolutionary new film, The Witness, has been created in which you play an interactive, traveling roll. Using augmented reality on an iPhone, participants begin their adventure by witnessing a kidnapping by the Russian mafia.
Posted inAPP / VIDEO
Star Wars Arcade: Augmented Reality iPhone Game Turns Your City Into A Star Wars Battlefield [video]
Just check out this new Star Wars game for the iPhone, which lays your surroundings behind a wicked space battle.
Posted inAPP
Augmented Reality Driving iPhone App Shows Promise But Not Quite There Yet [video]
The program is an absolute wonder. Once your iPhone is fixed on a special mount, Augmented Driving can offer up lane departure warnings, vehicle speed, the tilt of the road and even pick out vehicles ahead of you.