ipswDownloader is one of those tools, that makes the process of finding and downloading iOS releases and jailbreaking tools extremely easy. With just a few … ipswDownloader: Find and Download iOS Firmwares and Jailbreaking ToolsRead more
Avoid Thunderst0rm And TurboSn0w2. Fake Tools…
There are two tools that you need to avoid: Thunderst0rm and TurboSn0w2. They will not jailbreak your iDevices, might install spyware, and will delete several files from iTunes meaning you would possibly have to reinstall iTunes after running them. Stay away…
GeoHot Jailbreaks iPhone OS 4.0 Beta 1 With Blackra1n
GeoHot just posted a new picture showing that he managed to jailbreak iPhone OS 4.0 beta 1. As you can see he has Cydia installed on his iDevice, which he got through his own tool – blackra1n.
BlackBreeze: Fix Incompatibility Between iTunes 9.1 And Blackra1n [Windows]
So, Apple pushed iTunes 9.1 which is safe for overall jailbreak, but it kills blackra1n for Windows users, in particular for tethered jailbreakers. As promised, iH8sn0w released a fix for this bug called: BlackBreeze.
If You Are Using Blackra1n For A Tethered Jailbreak, DO NOT Update Your iTunes To 9.1
if you are using blackra1n for a tethered jailbreak, DO NOT UPDATE! Everybody else can update without a problem.
GeoHot Promising An Update To Blackra1n For FW 3.1.3 On A Fake Facebook Fan Page
Georgie boy is promising a new update to Blackra1n for firmware 3.1.3. Everybody is happy right? Yeah, but there’s a couple of problems with this page… the page is FAKE
HOW TO: Create Custom Jailbreak Firmware 3.1.3 Using PwnageTool 3.1.5 [Mac]
The iPhone DevTeam just released an update for PwnageTool. With this tool you can create a custom 3.1.3 firmware, which you can use to upgrade your iDevices , and still preserve the baseband.
Firmware 3.1.3 Is Upgrading The Baseband To 05.12.01
Firmware 3.1.3 blocks the usb_control_msg exploit used by GeoHot to unlock the device. Also , we tried every jailbreking tool and none of them are working with the new release.
First Look At Sn0wbreeze: PwnageTool For Windows
For a long time you hear about this new tool called Sn0wbreeze,which is suppose to be a version of PwnageTool for Windows. Well it is, and it will be here before you know it.
GeoHot Trying To Fix WiFi Issues On FW 3.x
GeoHot is back, but this time he is not releasing a new tool, but he is looking to fix some bugs related to Blackra1n RC3. George is trying to understand why some users have problems with WiFi , after using his tool.
HowTo: Jailbreak And Unlock ( baseband 05.11.07 ) iPhone 2G/3G/3Gs Using Blackra1n RC3 and BlackSn0w ( MAC & Windows )
Finally, the moment you all been waiting for : Blacksn0w its here. Blackra1n RC3 ads Blacksn0w as a functionality , which will allow you to unlock your iPhone with the latest baseband 05.11.07.
BlackSn0w: First Video Of Baseband 05.11.07 Unlock
Today George, released a video that shows the tool in action.
GeoHot: Blackra1n RC2 Available For Mac and Windows
GeoHot has just released a new version of blackra1n, the tool that allows you to jailbreak the latest firmware for both iPhone and iTouch. This is the RC2 which fixes several bugs:
BigBoss: Icy Causing Problems On 3.1.2 Jailbroken With Blackra1n
If you jailbroken your iDevice with Blackra1n and you got Winterboard and SBSettings problems, you should know that this problems are due to the installation of Icy through Blackra1n.