Frash is a port of the Adobe Flash runtime for Android to the iPhone, using a compatibility layer, by comex. Frash can currently run most Flash programs natively in the MobileSafari browser. Frash
flash player
Early Preview Of Flash Running On iPhone iOS [video]
Comex, the guy behind Spirit, published a video preview of Flash running on the iPhone. At the moment we don’t have any info on the … Early Preview Of Flash Running On iPhone iOS [video]Read more
Adobe Released New Flash ‘Gala’ For Mac, Using Apple’s H.264 Hardware Acceleration
Adobe released their new Adobe Flash player for Mac called Gala, which uses Apple’s H.264 hardware acceleration.
iPhone Prompts You To Get Flash Player, No More Missing Plugin Lego Piece?
No more missing Flash plugin lego piece on the iPhone? It promote us to get Flash player…
Battery Performance With Flash Player 10.1 On The Nexus One [video]
Playing a Youtube video for 17 minutes on a Nexus One with the new Flash 10.1 , takes about 6% of the battery life.
Web 2.0 Summit: Possible Flash Player For iPhone and iTouch?
During the last Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco, the CEO of Adobe, Shantanu Narayen, talked about a possible version of Flash Player for iPhone and iTouch.
Flash Finally on iPhone and iPod Touch?
Remember my post on how to boost MobileSafari?Well if you do, than you remember that there was a plugin that gave you the ability to … Flash Finally on iPhone and iPod Touch?Read more