1784 hi-res photos combine to make a stop-motion expose of the iPhone 4, revealing every detail of construction, from packaging, down to the chips on the logic-board.
iphone 4 unboxing
Posted inNEWS
Lego Stormtroopers Unboxing The iPhone 4
super cool iphone 4 unboxing by lego Stormtroopers
Posted inNEWS
iPhone 4: FSM Will Be Live Streaming And Unboxing From The Apple Store
Tommorow at 5-6 AM EST we’ll be at the Apple Store/Perimeter Mall in Atlanta, GA. We’ll cover the grand opening, and do a live unboxing just like we did with the iPad.
Posted inVIDEO
iPhone 4 Unboxing [video]
Well folks, it’s that time of the year again. We are going to get all crazy about iPhone unboxing videos, and here is a first unboxing.