Posted inHOWTO

Little Known MobileSubstrate Update Fixes ASLR Issues On iOS 4.3

Saurik has a MobileSubstrate update, which was not officially pushed in Cydia, that fixes ASLR issues on iOS 4.3. We don’t know if this update will fix ALL the issues and/or how buggy this update is, but our initial testing shows that this is what you need if you are on a jailbroken iOS 4.3 device.

Posted inHOWTO

Stealth Cam: Take Photos While Screen Is Turned Off

New day, new tweak in Cydia: Stealth Cam. This tweak allows you to use the camera app to take photos or shoot videos with the screen off. To use, press the sleep button when in the Camera app, then use the volume buttons as the camera shutter button.

Posted inHOWTO

YourTube Cracked .deb File

A couple of days ago, FSMdotCOM presented you YourTube: Download YouTube Videos Directly From iPhone’s Native App . The app is now available in the appstore and it costs 2 dollars.