Not to be outdone by a refreshed iPod touch (and, let’s face it, a new iPhone), Apple also shot out a 5.4mm-thick iPod nano today — that’s 38 percent thinner than the one it replaces.
new iphone
Apple Unveils The iPhone 5 With 4-inch Display, Lightning Dock Connector and LTE
Apple has finally unveiled their 6th gen smartphone, called the iPhone 5. Measuring 7.6mm in thickness and 112 grams in weight, this is the thinnest and lightest iPhone that Apple has ever made, and is constructed “entirely” out of glass and aluminum.
iPhone 5: Rumor Mill Round-Up In 3 Min [video]
Sometimes is hard to keep up with all these crazy rumors, but luckily we’ve got a video that pretty much sums it all up.
iPhone 5: Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger [video]
The iPhone 5 rumor mill heated up after Apple purchased the domain name. According to the rumors, this is the last iPhone for which Steve Jobs oversaw the design.
iPhone 4G Codenamed N89, iPad Codenamed K48 and iPod Touch 4G Codenamed N80?
A set of folders was found in the OS 3.2 platform simulator, folders that are supposed to be dedicated to specific models of iPhone OS devices.
New iPhone On Its Way: 10 Reasons Why…
There is no doubt that in June at WWDC there will be a new iPhone unveilled. To many rumours, there a new OS available for … New iPhone On Its Way: 10 Reasons Why…Read more
New iPhone Coming in June?
At least since the new iPhone OS 3.0 was presented , the internet is full of rumours about the final version of the OS and … New iPhone Coming in June?Read more
iPhone 3g mania
With just over a year after Apple birthed the first iphone, the long-awaited, next-generation iPhone 3G has arrived bearing a mildly tweaked design and a … iPhone 3g maniaRead more