Posted inAPP

Opera Mini Gets Updated With New Look And iPad-Specific Interface [video]

Opera Software today announced the launch of a redesigned version of its Opera Mini browser for iOS devices, bringing a fresh new look with an iPad-specific interface, enhanced performance, and new tools to improve the user experience on one of the most popular alternatives to Apple’s built-in Safari browser.

Posted inNEWS / VIDEO

Opera Mobile Running On A Nexus One. A Sneak Peak At What We Will Probably Get On The iPhone?

Opera Mobile is a full browser that stands on the handset itself which goes on the internet and pulls all the content, while Opera Mini is a server based technology where the server is pulling the information from the internet , the information is compressed and sent to the handset. If accepted in the app store, iPhone users will get Opera Mini not Opera Mobile. In other words, the iPhone is not capable of running Opera Mobile.

Posted inAPP / NEWS

Opera Mini Coming To The iPhone

Opera Software, maker of the world’s most popular mobile Web browser, plans to reveal Opera Mini for iPhone in an exclusive press and partner preview during the 2010 Mobile World Congress (MWC).