New day, new app in Cydia: SecureContacts. This app will allow you to export all your contacts to a secure server and export them at … SecureContacts: Securely Encrypt Contacts File And Upload It To A ServerRead more
Volume Button Extender: Skip Through Songs Using The Volume Buttons
New day, new tweak in Cydia: VolumeButtonExtender. This tweak will allow your to control music playback using your volume buttons.
FastPhotoLibrary: Quick Access To Your iPhone’s Photo Library
This app will let you quickly access your photo library and can be found in Cydia Store via BigBoss repo , for $1.49
LastApp: Quickly Switch Between Two iPhone Apps
LastApp is developed by the same guy that did Backgrounder and Kirikae, and it will let to switch between any two apps on your device.
BigBoss’s Beta Repo is Private Now
You might remember that about a month ago, you could get BossPaper from BigBoss’s beta repo in Cydia. BigBoss created that repo for all the people who wanted to try and test packages before they were released.At first the repository beta worked well, but today, many users were installing all the packages contained in it, causing considerable problems to your iPhone.
How To Create a Cydia Repository
What is Repository (Repo) : A way of a developer distributing apps through installer/cydia. For example: Once you(a Dev) makes a repo you put your … How To Create a Cydia RepositoryRead more
Crackulous Scam On Twitter
I would like to start this post with some !#@$!# !#@$!%$ @~#@##!$#!$ words. But i wont, because , now, everything is fixed.At least im hoping … Crackulous Scam On TwitterRead more
iPhone and iPod Touch F.A.Q.
What is jailbreaking? Jailbreaking refers to ‘breaking the iPod Touch and iPhone free from the clutches of Apple’. In other words you are hacking the … iPhone and iPod Touch F.A.Q.Read more
One essential app in our beloved iPhone is , of course, MobileSafari. But , what can it do for you? How efficient are you when … BOOST MOBILESAFARI FOR iPhoneRead more
What you can find today in cydia? Well it’s called AVPlayer, and it’s a multimedia player based on QuickTime. AVPlayer integrates with MobileFinder, so in … AVPLAYER – MULTIMEDIA PLAYER FOR YOUR iPhone/iPod TouchRead more