This comprehensive and lavishly illustrated history of rock music, compiled by renowned writer on rock music, Mark Paytress, brings to life this most popular and … History of Rock iPad AppRead more
Posted inVIDEO
Timeline Music for iPhone
This video explores the idea of composing music inside the timeline of Final Cut Pro and it features the following nine iPhone music apps – Melodica, Easy Guitar, NLog Synth Free, iRockGuitar Lite, Mobilesynth, Drum Kit Lite, Kalimba Free, Junglist Lite and the mighty Bebot.
Posted inAPP
DOWNLOAD GUITAR ROCK TOUR v.1.2.0 for iPhone/iPod
The new version of Guitar Rock Tour is out , and i know how much you guys and gals want to buy this app 😛 … DOWNLOAD GUITAR ROCK TOUR v.1.2.0 for iPhone/iPodRead more