This is the case of one of our readers, Matthew McMahon, which found himself without a iBlacklist license today. Hear him out, and if you’re in the same position as he was, here’s what you have to do ( at least until Cydia gets updated… )
RockApp Officially Terminated
Exciting Times Ahead: Cydia Acquires RockApp
Some of you love RockApp and some of you hate it. Some of you hate that some apps in Cydia come with that annoying RockApp … Exciting Times Ahead: Cydia Acquires RockAppRead more
HOW TO: Use MyWi And Turn Your iPhone/iPad Into A Mobile Hotspot
Mywi has been around for a while and has always been one of those nifty apps that was nice to have but not really a must have. But with the release of the iPad and the iPhone 4 and it’s newer faster data connection speeds, and more iPhone users having multiple wifi dependent devices with them all the time, it seems as this app has reached must have status.
My3G Gets Updated And Allows FaceTime Calls Over 3G
Yes, we can make FaceTime calls over 3G and not just WiFi as Apple/AT&T wants us to.
MyWi Updated For iOS 4. Create a WiFi HotSpot with a press of a finger!
New day, new major update: MyWi 4.0 . Create a WiFi HotSpot with a press of a finger! Wherever you are – you can connect … MyWi Updated For iOS 4. Create a WiFi HotSpot with a press of a finger!Read more
Fix ‘“Warning: You Are Running Low On Memory’ iPhone Issue
Are you getting Warning: You Are Running Low On Memory pop-ups on your iPhone? Here’s a quick fix
My3G: Great Alternative To 3G Unrestrictor For iPhone
This app is almost identical to 3G Unrestrictor, but it adds a few more features to spice things up. Basically, this app will let you use apps, that requires WiFi, over your 3G network.
HOLY CRAP: Apple Is Not Signing Firmware 3.1.2 Anymore
Apple didn’t just bring bug fixes and hidden bug fixes but they also focused on breaking the jailbreak. And so far , they were successful , because the new OS seems to be partially hopeless.
Appsidy: New Payment Method In Cydia Store aka Reinventing The Wheel
all commercial apps can be easily spotted in Cydia, and you buy them directly through paypal or amazon payments. Ok, nothing new so far , but in the last couple of days we are keep on seeing this Appsidy thingy . Well what is Appsidy?
Longitude: Another Way To Keep BigBrother Informed? Or Locate Your Lost iPhone?
Longitude is a new paid App from RockYouriPhone that integrates Google’s latitude service into an auto-updating, geo-locating app for your Jail Broken iPhone.
RockApp Prompts You To Change The Default SSH Password: Alpine
Now, the application a simple pop-up screen that guides you through the changing password process