Samsung releases yet another anti-iPhone commercial, and this time they are mocking the iDevices for not including a navigation app – oh yea and the … Samsung’s New Galaxy S2 Ad Mocks The iPhone Over Navigation App [video]Read more
Samsung Galaxy S II
New Samsung Galaxy S II Commercial Mocks, Yet Again, Apple Fans [video]
Doesn’t matter that Samsung shops feature Apple’s App Store icons on decorative app wall, and the first Samsung Galaxy S 2 ad is a total … New Samsung Galaxy S II Commercial Mocks, Yet Again, Apple Fans [video]Read more
Samsung Mocks People Who Wait In Line For An iPhone, In New Galaxy S II Ad [video]
Samsung has posted a new ad set to hit TV on Thanksgiving, where they mock people who wait in line to get their hands on the best phone in the world.
iPhone 4S vs Galaxy S II, Bionic and Titan
Now that we know how the iPhone 4S stack up against the iPhone 4, let’s take a look at how Apple’s latest smartphone compares to its mightiest competitors on the other major platforms — Android and Windows Phone.
Samsung Galaxy S II Commercial: Total Apple Ripoff [video]
One is a lonely number, Two is the first looser. Rocky, Martin Luther King Jr., Batman, piano intones and the voice of a philosopher makes the new Samsung ad for their Galaxy S II, makes us feel–for more than a moment–that we are in the middle of Appleworld .