Posted inHOWTO

HOW TO: Save A List Of Your Installed Cydia Apps

Most probably you got at least a few repos installed ( beside the default ones ) and a dozen packages. So here’s a quick and sweet tutorial on how to save a list of all your installed Cydia apps… ( if for any reason you need something like this )

Posted inHOWTO

iPhone Tunnel Suite Updated to Version 3.0

The notorious iPhone Tunnel Suite comes with an update for 3.0 . The good part is that is even easier to use and even slicker , but the bad part ( for some of you ) is that now this is a paid software.

Posted inHOWTO

HowTo: Manually BackUp Your iPhone

So, yesterday the iPhone DevTeam posted a new info article on their blog, where they informed people that the battery loss is not caused by UltraSn0w, and they also advised people to set their iPhones as a “New Phone” when they restore and not use the backup, because it seems that is the reason for the battery drain.