True Augmented Reality On The iPhone Available Soon In The Appstore

So far, we’ve seen various applications that use augmented reality. Most of these, however, consist of simple AR Browsers and provide information on points of interest. Everything is going to change and soon we will have much more viable applications that will use the true augmented reality.

Hand sketching is used here as a natural way for creating Augmented Reality mechanical experiments.The user can sketch experiments and watch them simulated in 3D. The user interacts with the system by creating, modifying, and presenting sketches to the camera.

As you can see, we can draw objects that immediately come to life. Also able to animate, exploiting all the laws of physics, like gravity. This new project is spearheaded by researchers at Visual Media Lab who also declared that he had already made it all perfectly compatible for the iPhone.

The source code for iPhone OS 3.1 has been made freely available to all, and can be requested by sending a simple email to this address: .

[thx Marco]