In January of 2011, VLC for the iPad disappeared from the App Store. Today, it looks like the popular media player could be heading back soon, as Videolan’s Jean-Baptiste Kempf has announced on his personal blog that VLC has been relicensed using the LGPL. It’s been a long twelve months, but Kempf’s hard work has paid off.
Does that mean VLC fans that don’t want to jailbreak their iOS devices can start celebrating? It might be a tad premature right now, but a little optimism is certainly in order.
The guys at asked Kempf whether his announcement meant that VLC was headed back to the App Store. He replied with a knowing “Maybe .” Not exactly a confirmation, but with the distribution issue clearly addressed it should only be a matter of time before it pokes its head through the soil of Apple’s walled garden once again.
Stay tuned…